BLOG: My Soul Healing Journey to the Purest Light: About Hope, Healing of my Chronic and Life-threatening Condition and Happiness
My Blog “My Soul Healing Journey to the Purest Light: About Hope, Healing of my Chronic and Life-threatening Condition and Happiness”, is about my own healingprocess and the Soul Healing Techniques of Dr. and Master Sha. You can find it here:
Click on the titles below for a direct link to the blogpost.
- Start of this blog
- There is always a way
- The Flying Seagull
- A gratitude list
- Every bite counts
- October 6, 2010: The day my Soul Healing Journey Begins
- Hope for the Hopeless
- What is Soul Healing all about?
- Wy I use spiritual wisdom and practices for healing and transformation
- Bring Light in your Life
- Divine Healing Hands
- Soul Healing experience for Thyroid (Dutch)
- The Four Power Techniques
- How can you improve your health, if you don’t even have a proper diagnosis?
- Soul Healing and ME/CFS – part 1: Is it possible to feel better?
- Soul Healing and ME/CFS – part 2: A life with ME
- Soul Healing and ME/CFS – part 3: Never alone
- What do you devote your time and attention to?
- Soul Healing and ME/CFS – part 4: Blockages in the energy metabolism of the human body.
- Soul Healing and ME/CFS – part 5: Root causes of sickness and other challenges in life
- Soul Healing and ME/CFS – part 6: Hope through Soulfulness
- The importance-of-rest
- A better world, is it possible?
- From 3rd to 4th Dimension
- The significance of an open heartchakra & (chronic) conditions
- Live your life’s purpose
- Mirror neurons: how the experiences of others can help you
- The story of the Dragon Fly
- Depression – Anxiety and Tao Healing
- HEALING FEAR, how to do this through Soulfulness and Tao Healing?
- Powerful Tao healing brings hope
- The love and protection from our guides
- Your Higher Self and your Shadow
- Involve me, and I will learn
- The Fall Season: What could this season do for your health?
- 2018 – A challenging year that also brought me many things
- 3 suggestions to protect yourself against negative energies surrounding you
- I see you, I hear you, I feel you.
- How to transform pain or certain situations in your life?
- How can I help?
- Client Testimonial Soul Healing for ME/CFS
- Suicide Attempt: a cry for help (testimonial)
- 8 suggestions for when you are facing difficulties in life
- Message from the Galactic Council of Light
- Message #2 from the Galactic Council of Light
- Would you like to be that one person?
- A Call for Global Awakening
- The NEW EARTH will arrive through you
- Messages from the Animal Kingdom
- Soul communication: Love is..
- Soul Communication with a Sea Angel
- “The New (Normal) DIFFERENT”
- Life is a gift
- With help from the police
- History ends, Her Story begins!
- Chronically ill?
- FLIP-THINKING from being ill towards opportunities