There are currently many people struggling with symptoms such as ME, CFS, LYME, POTS. Mainstream medicine is doing a lot of research but does not yet have a treatment that will benefit many people. Many are told that they just have to learn to live with it….
For an overview of the medical state of research on ME, see this blog where a clear overview is described in the video.
For a detailed description of POTS, see this Brochure (only in Dutch Language): ditispots-informatiebrochure-voor-huisartsen-2019
It is nice that there is more and more research and recognition, but as mentioned earlier, unfortunately for many there is no effective treatment yet.
From my own experience I can say that living with ME is hard and learning to live with it is not easy. The lack of understanding that unfortunately still exists, is also not easy and many are left to their own devices. Recognizable?
However, if you do nothing, the chances of it getting worse unfortunately increase. But what can you do then to change that situation? That is difficult for many to answer.
Personally, I don’t believe that a drug or treatment will be found in the near future that will help everyone and that’s why I’ve spent years looking into many other possibilities. Possibilities that are already there! Because say it yourself, waiting hopelessly just drives you crazy, right?
What if you could get started right now and take control of your quality of life?
What if you don’t have to depend on a drug, which may or may not be invented in the long run?
What if you could do something yourself at home, in bed or on the couch, without having to travel all the time and further deplete your body.
What if you could have a useful day’s work for yourself, which gives hope and satisfaction.
Wouldn’t that be wonderful? I have longed for it for years….
And… finally found just that: tools to keep increasing my quality of life from my own home through Tao Healing and Soulfulness.
On my blog (see below for links) you can read how bad my situation has been, how I was trapped in a body in bed, and how much I tried to change my situation. Eventually I found a way out through Tao Healing and Soulfulness from Dr. and Master Sha. Not an easy path to go, but one that led somewhere! It only took time.
My experience with Tao Healing and Soulfulness and how I came out of my years of struggle, I now like to share with this patient group and their loved ones to give them hope and a better quality of life. It is also hard for loved ones and they too can benefit from these techniques so they can better assist their sick partner, son, daughter, friend.
If you would like to know more, please read my blog and website or feel free to contact me.
I have now been trained for almost 12 years and also am certified by Dr. and Master Sha himself to pass on his techniques and have gained in-depth knowledge in this way. But I also have personal experience with ME and what it is like to apply these techniques when you are sick and which techniques work better with this condition than other techniques.
The mainstream approach only looks at the physical body, but my experience is that the cause goes beyond the physical manifestation.
It’s not just about organs that are sick and need to become healthier, but there are spaces between the organs, there is an energy circle, there are important energy centers in the body, there may be a negative message on the soul or in the heart chakra that prevents the body from recovering.
It was precisely the spaces in the body, the free flowing of the energy circle and the transformation of the negative vibrations in my vibrational field that proved to be crucial for my recovery. Only then did the physical body also recover.
Little or no attention was paid to this in the regular approach. Soul and heart, the spaces in the body and the energy centers are rarely heard of or included in a possible treatment. Yet precisely there appeared to lie the possibility for recovery for me!
From my training and own experience with this condition, I can help this patient group and their loved ones through teaching, exercises, reading and healing to:
- strengthen the foundation
- strengthen the energy centers
- open the chakras and let the energy flow
- improve the flow of important acupuncture points
- strengthen the immune system and the detoxification process
- help the organs/systems/physical processes regain balance
- balance the emotions
- change thought patterns and beliefs, using the power of the mind to support the recovery process
- bring someone more in line with his/her soul
- give answers to questions through readings or through my own experience
- understanding, recognition, support, exercises and much more….
- and in addition, not the least important :), supporting the process on a deeper level through spiritual healing.
Master Sha’s techniques and the many possibilities that my open spiritual channels offer, are pre-eminently suitable and focused on relieving the negative information and strengthening the light in both the soul, the heart, the mind, the energy and the matter and that is what makes it so particularly effective.
I have noticed that treatments in mainstream medicine or medications that previously had no or insufficient effect, then sometimes did offer the desired results. These techniques are therefore not an exclusive method but are meant to complement other methods.
If I could get improvement through these techniques in a hopeless situation where my doctor had given up on me, then there is hope for many. And because I myself have struggled for almost half of my life (over 25 years of which 10 years bedridden), I know from experience what it is like and how to deal with it. That experience can be a plus, as many have to deal with a lot of misunderstanding in their environment and with the various practitioners they have visited.
I share more details on this topic in 4 postings on my blogs: (click on the link):
part 4: Blockages in the energy metabolism of the human body.
Lees ook:
- Root causes of sickness and other challenges in life
- Client Testimonial Soul Healing for ME/CFS
- Life is a gift
- 8 suggestions for when you are facing difficulties in life
In other postings on my blog you will read more general information about the different techniques.
These techniques are effective, but do not offer a quick fix like a painkiller can, where you see results within an hour.
What it does give however is: answers and techniques that you can work with yourself, so you can take control of your own life again and build it up step by step. No symptom control, but a focus on getting to the root of the problem.
Does this appeal to you? Then contact me and I will gladly share my knowledge and experience to help you and/or your loved ones!
In love and light,
🍀 Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)
“Since I became ill I have spent lots of money on doctors, treatments, therapies, medication and supplements. None of it brought me permanent healing. Not even a little bit of improvement in my body.
After 10 years of trying to continue on this path I was drawn more and more to the spiritual way of healing. However, there are many kinds of different methods here too. I realized very quickly that you can spend a lot of money here too without getting real help, because years of being bedridden is not solved in only a few healings. But at that time I thought it was possible though 🙂
I was very fortunate that out of the blue a beautiful woman crossed my path who offered me healings and real help and YES, I felt my first improvement. I could sit up for a few hours and every now and then I was even able to do something outside. That was so great to experience and I am forever grateful to her, but… something was missing. My soul was not included in the whole story and treatment. I could do more, but I still lacked that feeling of joy and happiness.
Then Barbara crossed my path. I was very curious to her spiritual healings. Every blessing I receive through her is special. Sometimes I feel all kind of sensations in my body and the other time I feel very little, but then I receive a beautiful message which helps me move forward. Besides lots of coaching, I also received the guidance to read Master Sha’s books. To be very honest, I didn’t really felt like doing that. But eventually I bought a book. It was filled with practices and I really didn’t want to do them. I thought that would be a waste of my time, isn’t it?
I am grateful that I was born as a person who likes to do things, so very quickly I thought, well, let’s start doing it and then I will feel what it will do for me. Many practices are based on chanting mantra’s. Very quickly I started to notice how powerful these practices are. When I experienced fear and I started to do the practice for this emotion, it melted away. And I have beautiful experiences like that almost every day I spent time practicing. My resistance is totally gone, because it really works! I finally have found something that really helps. Something that makes my soul so extremely happy. Something that gives me a goal in my life again.
Last month I was facing a huge challenge, because my family and I planned to go on a holiday to Italy. This is something huge for me as I spend my days on the sofa for years, so travelling isn’t easy for me. But due to the practices I was able to stay calm. During the holiday Barbara supported me remotely with blessings to boost my energy, so I could recover pretty easily from driving that long distance in the car. And in this way, we were able to have a really nice holiday together as a family, for the first time.
I have no idea yet what soul healing will bring me in the future, but for now I see it as a treatment and approach to healing that is truly worth my money. Because it works! I feel joy again. And I haven’t felt that for many decades.
PS. The last blessing was even more powerful than before. I almost beamed out of bed 🙂